Browse by Scent Type
Explore Bulk Apothecary's vast collection of fragrance oils sorted by scent type. Our extensive selection is organized into various subcategories, including seasonal scents, masculine and feminine fragrances, fruity and floral aromas, herbal and earthy notes, fresh and clean scents, and more! Our fragrance oils are perfect for creating candles, soaps, and other homemade beauty products. Whether you're looking to add a sweet and fruity aroma to your products or a fresh and clean scent, we have the perfect fragrance oils for you. Shop today and indulge in our extensive selection of high-quality fragrance oils.
All of these products are blended by master IFRA perfumers and manufactured in our FDA-registered facility right here in the USA using CGMPs. At Bulk Apothecary, we never sacrifice quality for price, which is why these fragrance oils are backed with a 30-day return policy to ensure you are satisfied with your products. Always check the IFRA documents to see the list of approved applications and usage rates for each fragrance oil. Get started today and use the best ingredients to create the best products.